
Managed Service

Some Facts

Managed Service

1.Standard ERP Packages:

Transform your business with our ERP solutions that provide seamless integration, real-time insights, and enhanced productivity. Our ERP services encompas

  • Custom ERP Development: Tailored ERP solutions designed to align with your business processes and optimize operations.
  • SAP and MS Dynamics Support: Expertise in implementing, customizing, and supporting SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, and other industry-leading ERP platforms.
  • Industrial Automation Integration: Integrate your ERP system with industrial automation solutions to enhance manufacturing efficiency and data accuracy.

2.Business Process Outsourcing (BPO):

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services that enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and drive growth. With a focus on Accounting and CFA Services, as well as Freight and Logistics Services, we offer tailored solutions that optimize your business processes.

  • Accounts Payable and Receivable: Streamlined management of payables and receivables.
  • Financial Reporting: Comprehensive financial reports for informed decision-making.
  • Tax Preparation: Expert tax preparation services for compliance and optimization.
  • Bookkeeping: Accurate and up-to-date bookkeeping to maintain financial records.

3. Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO):

we offer specialized Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) services that empower businesses in the fields of Accounting, Banking, Freight, and Logistics. Our dedicated teams of domain experts and analysts are committed to delivering high-value solutions that drive efficiency, accuracy, and strategic insights.

Accounting Services:

Our accounting KPO services cover a wide spectrum of financial processes:

  • Financial Statement Analysis: Analyze financial statements for informed decision-making.
  • Bookkeeping and Record Maintenance: Ensure accurate and up-to-date financial records.
  • Tax Compliance and Planning: Navigate complex tax regulations while optimizing tax strategies.
  • Cost Analysis: Identify cost-saving opportunities and improve profitability.

Banking Services:

We provide specialized KPO support to banking institutions:

  • Mortgage Processing: Streamline mortgage origination and processing.
  • Loan Portfolio Management: Optimize loan portfolios and mitigate risks.
  • Credit Risk Analysis: Assess creditworthiness and manage credit risk effectively.
  • Financial Research and Reporting: Deliver comprehensive financial reports for informed decisions.

4.Telecom Managed Service:

Telecommunication Infrastructure: Building and managing telecom infrastructure, including networks, towers, and data centers. Telecom Software Solutions: Developing and implementing software for billing, customer relationship management, and network management. Wireless and Mobile Solutions: Offering wireless communication solutions and mobile apps for customers. IoT Solutions: Enabling Internet of Things (IoT) devices and connectivity.


Business VoIP services are tailored for organizations and offer advanced features suitable for professional use. These may include call routing, IVR (Interactive Voice Response), conference calling, and integration with business software.

  • Streamlined communication within the organization.
  • Scalability to accommodate business growth.
  • Integration with CRM and other software for enhanced customer service.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategic approach to managing interactions with current and potential customers. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support processes. Effective CRM is crucial for building lasting relationships and enhancing customer satisfaction.

  • Track Customer Interactions: Record and manage every customer interaction, from inquiries and sales to support requests and feedback.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Leverage data analytics to make informed decisions and strategies
  • Data Migration: Ensuring a smooth transition of existing customer data.
  • Contact Management: Maintain detailed customer profiles and communication history.

Data Handling Networking:

dentify the specific data handling needs of your organization, including the types of data, data volumes, and the required data processing speed.

  • Design the Network Architecture:Choose the appropriate network architecture, such as a local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), or a combination of both..
  • Select Networking Hardware and Software: Choose the right networking equipment, such as routers, switches, firewalls, and access points, to support your data handling requirements.
  • Data Storage and Management:Implement a data storage strategy that includes file servers, databases, cloud storage, or a combination to meet data storage needs.
  • Data Security: Establish strong data security measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or data breaches

5.Banking Managed Service

The significance of managed services in the banking sector, emphasizing the need for efficient, secure, and compliant operations.

  • Range of Banking Services: Detail the spectrum of services offered to banks, including but not limited to: IT Infrastructure Management
  • Benefits for Banks: Highlight the advantages of outsourcing to a banking managed service provider, such as: Cost Reduction and Efficiency
  • Digital Transformation and Innovation: Emphasize the role of managed services in helping banks adapt to the digital age
  • Data Security: Establish strong data security measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or data breaches
  • Compliance and Data Security: Discuss the paramount importance of regulatory compliance and data security in the banking industry.