
Procurement Service

Some Facts

Procurement Services

Supply chain optimization through logistics capability

The procurement logistics service offered by Zenith Holding and Development (T) Limited helps customers with the bulk procurement of all necessary materials, be that domestically or internationally. Based on core functions of consolidated pick-ups, shared warehousing, and kitted delivery, we can handle anything from production line-specific delivery to low-volume, high-frequency Just In Time Delivery. Our solutions work to bring suppliers and assembly manufacturers together.A bridge between manufacturers and suppliers As globalization accelerates, so procurement logistics is being reinvented for the manufacturing industry. Despite this, many customers are now facing new challenges. Take our assembly manufacturer customers who want to contract delivery lead times but want to avoid carrying an inventory. One option is to ask suppliers to operate a vendor-managed inventory (VMI) warehouse in the vicinity of the production plant, but for suppliers without any suitably located warehouses this represents a significant burden. For our supplier customers, too, Just In Time Delivery presents a significant challenge. Can the supplier really be expected to operate as many VMI warehouses as they have customers? And if a supplier is delivering a high mix of parts to a single customer, that creates even more difficulties with transportation. Zenith Holding and Development (T) Limited can act as a bridge between both assembly manufacturers and suppliers who are struggling to optimize their supply chains. The solution for both categories of customer is the same: our procurement logistics service.